Kitu Super Espresso, Super, Unsweetened, Original
Enhanced espresso beverage. Naturally flavored with other natural flavors. 0 g sugar. 35 calories per can. 5 g protein. Keto. Lactose free (99.9% lactose-free). Gluten free. Low calorie. 180 mg caffeine. Protein. MCT oil. Bold & creamy. Unsweetened. It all started in our little brother's dorm room - tired of unhealthy energy drinks, we removed the negatives, and added the positives. Because if we change our energy, we can change our world. That's the Kitu Life. - Jordan, Jake and Jimmy. Positive Energy: Nothing artificial. L-theanine. MCT oil. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. (at)DrinkSuperCoffee. Text myespresso to 29071.